Mar 30


A lawsuit is to edit the Waldorf of Frommer us. A lawsuit is to edit the Waldorf of Frommer us. This was collected on behalf of Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH before the District Court of Munich. Subject of the proceedings is alleged illegal offering of a copyrighted work on the Internet in the context of a so-called peer-to-peer network. The defendant is to pay attorney fees pursuant to 97 a ABS. 1 Copyright Act and compensation for damages in accordance with 97 ABS. 2 Copyright Act or 823 ABS.

1 BGB in claims made. The alleged violation took place already in 2007. This year, the warning was also expressed by the law firm of Waldorf. The law firm Frommer Waldorf submit now required action reasons for the money payments sent in last year. The writ alleges that the company ipoque, could clearly identify that music albums were offered on a specific IP address to download. The height of the Schadenersatzanpruch pursuant to 97 ABS. 2 Copyright Act or 823 ABS. 1 BGB is the Discretion of the Court made no less than EUR 700.00 should be but (in this case two music albums were warned off by Laith Al Deen).

The compensation is calculated also in the way of the license analogy. The lawyer fees pursuant to 97 a ABS. 1 Copyright Act are as usual calculated at a value of EUR 20,000.00 with a business charge of 1.0, therefore amounted to EUR 666,00. According to the case law of above all the official and State courts from Munich in the writ, claiming that already by the issuance of cease and desist infringement is granted to. This shows, once more, that the Declaration of default not ready to control should be performed without legal help. This can entail serious consequences. We will of course continue report lawyers on the actions of the law firm of Waldorf of Frommer. You have also a summons or an order of the District Court of Munich? Please note the deadline there. We are, also available. Her Tobias Arnold

Aug 21

Petroleum Consumption Regulation

Paragraphs, objectives, content and enforcement clauses of the lower Austrian Management Act the petroleum consumption regulation 1919 is a quite historically relevant standards in the field of nature protection and was adopted by the local Parliament at an early stage of the Republican lower Austria. Through the analysis and review of the paragraphs, objectives, content and enforcement clauses of petroleum consumption regulation 1919 the substantive and procedural content is discusses in the sense of a legal fact research here now in detail. The nature protection law, the land law including the exceptional standards for pest control in agriculture and Forstwirtschaftaber, but also the management right for individual products already had its origins in the State of lower Austria in the monarchy. In Republican lower Austria from 1919 a range of nature-protection standards was but then also adopted and thus inserted in the rule of law. In this context, as the mole Protection Act 1920 is the nature conservation Act, 1924, to call the country cave Protection Act 1924, or may beetle regulation 1924. In addition, central standards were created in the field of law of the agricultural economic benefits such as the Land Act for promoting the pastures and grazing 1923.

About the petroleum consumption regulation 1919 or firewood management regulation came to 1919. Petroleum consumption regulation 1919 included paragraphs of 1919 petroleum consumption regulation to govern the total 12 the facts according to. It is in the scale of standards in the category of the middle section -Dichte(>10<50 ) to classify. A low Dichte(<10) and a high of are Dichte(>50) of petroleum consumption regulation 1919 not to apply. “The objectives of the petroleum consumption regulation 1919 as objectives of the petroleum consumption regulation 1919 was in the 1 the sale and distribution of petroleum in specific quantities and under certain advance set tongue” appropriately regulated. The content of the petroleum consumption regulation in 1919 in the paragraphs 2 to 12 of petroleum consumption regulation 1919 settled the relevant administrative and management-criminal issues in detail. The enforcement clause of the petroleum consumption regulation with the completion of the petroleum consumption regulation 1919 1919 was sever(SDAP) lower Austrian Provincial Governor and his State Government commissioned.