Marcelo Paycorich Silva 1) Prof Orientation Pablo Cesar Lisbon Jr 2) SUMMARY the public licitations searchs to get price better goods and services to be delivers to the population, when if it deals with raised values, it is also necessary to guarantee the fulfilment of the contract firmed between bidder and bid on. Through a bibliographical-documentary research of quantitative nature and of descriptive delineation, with the study and interpretation of the laws and pertinent legal instructions and the calculation of index-standard, the work searchs to fulfill the objective to show if the analysis of the Government is more the joust, or more would be adjusted one another form of evaluation of the financial health of the companies. The carried through study it allowed to evidence that exactly the official calculations being satisfactory, new indices would point of form more joust the winner of a public licitation. Words key: Public licitations. Bidder. Bid.

Index-Standard. Financial health 1 INTRODUCTION This work relates the interpretation and analysis of the constant data in the fianceiras demonstrations with the demanded one for the public administration, specifically in the state sphere in the Rio Grande Do Sul, so that a company is apt financially to participate of the licitation processes. The Public Power graphically created a mechanism of evaluation of the financial capacity of the companies through the comparison of results express in Annexes I and II of the Decree n 36,601/96 of the Government of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul that it aims at to guarantee the supply of great good or services of sum. Licitations are an attractive market, taking companies to force liquidify ratios and indebtedness, that allow the participation in the processes of licitation in its diverse modalities. It is asked, then where measured the criteria they are satisfactory in the evaluation of the financial capacity of the bidders, or the inclusion in the analysis of other indices modifies and defines of better form the act of contract of a company as supplier of products in the scope of the State Administration? The study that will be presented, observing the official calculations and the analysis of real the Financial Demonstrations of four supplying companies in potential of products for the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul, it will create a hypothetical process of licitation in the modality public bid, aiming at to compare the official classification with the classification being considered eleven indices considered throughout the work.

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