Sep 29


Good night! Mr. Vice Minister of Health Dr. Melitn Maple Sir Dean of the School of Doctors of Peru: Dr. Ciro Maguia Directive Gentlemen, Colleagues, Friendly and Friendly. I am the Doctor Miguel Celi Palaces and I belong to historical XVI the Medicine Promotion of the National University of Trujillo and like hundreds of colleagues, perhaps thousands, there are cruzado at some time the border and we have ourselves turned into Patients of capital diseases, destiny, has wanted to give me, in the fortuitous level that corresponds to me, the privilege to share this Testimony, which I am thankful. This history has been beginning For some years, when it drived my car by the Pan-American North and around km 679, before Guadalupe, a Sunday of June, I was attacked by a car lead by drunk young people, who hit my vehicle with such violence, that in the act small daughter, who traveled with me, unconscious and traumatised Poli killed, I was helped by generous Drivers of route that me they evacuated to Hospital Almanzor Aguinaga de Chiclayo, where exactly, it worked like Gynecologist Obstetra, when the Surgeons abrieron my abdomen, found 2 liters of free blood in cavity, had 3 gr. of Hemoglobina, it had exploded the Spleen, there was manifolds laceraciones in Liver, Pancreas, Intestine, Epiphany and resentment bled torn, had bleeding fractures conminutas and with loss of substance in Fmur and Metacarpo; the 3 to me colleagues needed to reconstruct Laparotomas, a bloody reduction, besides bony grafts and platinum plates.

12 Units of Blood transfundieron to me, supported many complications, bronchopneumonia by aspiration, sepsis, renal insufficiency, agonized and revived in each one of the three cardiac unemployments that I supported, I received Holy Oils, I lowered when infier to us and I knew the same devil, I survived dreaming that no longer it could have, worse suffering than the one than there were past, President of the Body Doctor said A Miracle only could save it and it was saved! , they distinguished to me like Hero, 45 days later I left Discharge, in a wheelchair, before the applause of my colleagues, were lost 15 kilos, 5 months later, my woman gave back my white cover to me of doctor, it gave to a kiss and plenty me of painful physical scars and in the soul, I returned to follow exerting the Medicine successfully.