Feb 09


It is planned that it will begin operations in the third quarter of 2010 and will produce about 2500 people a year. However, so far we have to call for such tasks foreign experts. But even if we do not take into account the deficit, and consider the classic work specialty (petroleum engineers, technicians, drillers, operators, seismologists), then in this sector we will see permanent staffing needs. Are young people are not eager to oil and gas ruble? I am in the oil industry has come – let me arrange Craves, and how. We must pay tribute to domestic and foreign oil companies. They are now actively cooperate with universities: are working on the rights of trustees, organized programs for students with internships, provide grants for training. It really increases the interest young people in this area. But at the same Even among graduates of rsu of Oil and Gas.

Gubkin, according to the ranking of universities SuperJob.ru, go to work in the specialty only 45-60%. In the first half of the students dropping out fine. In foreign companies to find a job by profession, they can still out there women professionals can be found even on the platforms. In Russian the same firms, according to reviews, the girls do not favor. Work for them, mostly in engineering organizations. Justified the weight of personnel officers, and sometimes the lack of culture in the workplace. However, in fairness it is worth noting that not every soiskatelnitsa agree to those conditions that offer.