Development Manages

A methodology of implantation, maintenance and monitoramento of the SGA. The implantation methodology if a SGA must obey the rigid criteria of organization, enters the basic elements for a good functional performance is: Phase the 1) introduction to the SGA with its description, politics and organization chart of the company, abbreviations, approval and control of the manual the one that if it relates. Phase 2) the ambient, requisite planning of the SGA with abrangncias, aspects and impacts legal and others, objective and goals, program of management of the SGA. Phase 3) the implementation and system of management, with structure of responsibility, resources, training, awareness and ability, communication, documentation of the SGA, document control, control of the process, ambient operational control, minimum management of residues, requirements to the suppliers, preparation and attendance the emergencies. Phase 4) verification and corrective action with monitoramento and measurement, not? corrective and preventive conformity and actions, registers, auditorships of the system of ambient management; Phase 5) actions, critical analysis for the administration.

To offer a good ambient politics is a challenge that it demands interaction between the manager and all the team the one that if destines, through qualitative, quantitative, exploratrias research gets information for the starting point of the operation, including the SGI as necessary resource in the process. It must be standed out that in the context of the continuous improvement of the ambient quality, the requirements of qualification and the mechanisms of support they evolve constantly, that is, must be perfected or be adjusted whenever necessary. Through study of a descriptive case with documentary use of research collecting given managemental and to interviews in all the sectors of the company, raising historical, physical structure, organizacionais necessities, production and positioning to the SGA, demanded adaptations, it collects of data of benefits in energy reduction, treatment of residues the correct use of techniques and equipment for this evaluation stimulate the development of the planning of the SGA and offer subsidies for the start of the work. Conclusion: In implantation of the SGA the management of the knowledge is important for the identification of the aspects and referring ambient impacts to the productive process, a time that consider the knowledge of each individual, related its specific tasks. Moreover, being able this practical to contribute for the dissemination and incorporation of safer norms in accordance with the effective ambient legislation enters the employees of all the levels. When implanting this system occurs important strategical benefits, access to the external market, increase of credibility of the company, improvement of the corporative image, reinforcement with ambientalistas organizations and partners and shareholders in virtue of the security of the productive processes.

The occurrence of this interaction provides to the qualification and continuous adequacy of the picture of employees, improves in the human aspects, strategical reduction of costs, adequacy to the ambient standards, benefits, security in minimizing ambient impacts for injunctions and corrective among others. All the ambient challenges are possible when the organization really incorporates the SGA in its day the day, since the high administration until the line employee, all must understand that the environment is important for the future guarantee of the generations and sustentation of the company in the current competitive market. References: MOREIRA, Maria S. Strategy and Implantation of the system of ambient management (model ISO 14000). Woman editor Development Manages; Feij, Claude Cristina Ciappina Slides aula1 Systems of Ambient Management ISO14001, basic Introduction, concepts and planning.

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